Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hey everyone,
Sorry I didn't get to write a long email last week. There really isn't a good reason for that besides laziness. Happy Easter! Thanks for the package Mom and Dad it was awesome! I found the eggs that you put in there so I would almost say I hunted for Easter eggs this year. Our dinner cancelled on us actually so that was kind of lame. I called Brent Porter, a funny guy that is less-active so we ended up eating with him. He told us more about his life and he's had a crazier life than anyone I have ever met. We watched some Bible videos which are really good so you should go on Mormon Channel and watch them. It was really amazing to hear stories from this man's life and realize that Christ can take away every single one of those mistakes. The Atonement really is more powerful than we can comprehend.
I read a talk by Hugh Nibley called the Atonement of Jesus Christ and it was really insightful. I like how he goes over the meaning and translations of the word atonement, reconciliation, salvation etc. He talks about Zion and how we can accept the Atonement in our lives. I'm also reading a talk called A Stange Thing in the Land: Return of the Book of Enoch by Hugh Nibley and in the 11th part he talks about Zion again. He does a good job explaining the law of consecration.
This week I studied the last week of Christ's life and it made my Easter a lot more meaningful to me. I loved reading all of the Gospel accounts of that week. I really wish I could have been with the Apostles and seen the Teacher curse the Pharisees and heal and teach.
I don't have too much time left but I do want to tell you about an experience I had this week. It was 8:30 and we didn't know who to go by. (No one really loves you going by at 8:30) We decided to start heading home and just contact people on the street. There really wasn't anyone outside but I really prayed and asked if we could be led to just one person we need to talk to. All of a sudden I just got the impression to go down a road that wasn't the way home. Within a minute there was a man named Larry walking his dog that we had talked to the week before. We got to talk to him for a minute and give him our number. To me that was an answer to my prayer and a witness that we need to follow promptings from the Spirit. It was amazing to go down a random road, see someone and know the person. Always follow your promptings..especially to do good.
The pictures are during companion study ha.
Love you have a great week!


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