Monday, October 1, 2012

Two Months Down?

Hey Family!

It certainly seems that I've been here all of my life and that I just got out here. It's really weird but what can i say. My first transfer is over and it has been a really good learning experience. I learned that this is hard! Right now we don't have any really solid investigators. It's hard not to think that it's your fault when you don't have success. It really is almost funny that everything that a missionary hopes for depends on other people. So Elder Sudbury and I stepped back and looked at what we could improve and we're really going to try and find a lot of people to teach. Another really interesting thing is experiencing people's apathy when it comes to learning and happiness. I've grown to really respect Jesus in a different way. He offered people the answer for literally everything and very little people followed him and the people he gave everything for crucified him. I can't believe the world we live in haha. I don't want to sound dismal but being a missionary certainly helps you feel what Christ felt a little more.

On the other hand I've also felt a lot of love for the people we talk to! It's really sad hearing some people's stories and them not accepting the Gospel. Yesterday we went to the departing fireside for the missionaries who go home tomorrow. It was really nice to see other missionaries achieve what I'll eventually achieve! They had really good testimonies and the people that were baptized because of them went and It was really cool. It was hard not going by Diana  every other day to see how she's doing. She asked us to give her some space so she could figure things out with her boyfriend. It's really scary how much I care for that family even when I barely know them. I hope they get baptized! Before I was a missionary I really didn't understand the big deal about getting baptized. But now, getting baptized is really the beginning of following God and changing your life for the better. It's the window to the celestial kingdom and it washes away any guilt you've every had. Even Jesus was baptized and he was perfect. I love 2 Nephi 31 because it talks about the importance of baptism and why a perfect person had to be baptized.

I love you all and I really love getting updates from everyone. The pumpkin pictures look great! I love seeing pictures!!! Well I have to go write my mission president a letter so I should go do that. Mom I think you asked me where I do laundry. There's a laundry mat right next to our apartments and we do that at 6:10 before we run. I really loved Chloe and Ella's pictures! I have them in my letter binder tell them thank you! If I don't answer a question anyone has asked me just remind me and forgive me! I'm sorry if I miss something important. I feel bad for not telling mom that I got her package last week! It was a great and needed surprise. Thanks Mom. I'll buy athletic socks out here Dad. 

Love you all!

Elder Silas Gallagher

ps I tried to attach pics last week and that's why you didn't get anything so I won't do that!

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