Tuesday, May 7, 2013



Sorry I wasn't on yesterday! This week was the week that our zone went to the temple. I did take pictures but I didn't bring my backpack this morning and we came straight to email after we got back. I got up at 4:30 this morning and I'll be up until 10:30 tonight. The temple was really great. It always is but this time the power was out so they were running on emergency power. I'll post pictures of Elder Hermansen and I next week sorry.

This week was a pretty good week. We've gotten really close with a guy named William who turns 24 on Sunday. It's kind of sad because we are in the family ward so we had to let the other missionaries that are in the singles ward start teaching him. I'm glad that we could meet him and become friends so quickly. I've only been here for two weeks and we met him on my first day here. He's getting baptized on the 25th.

I bike about 70 miles a week now and that is keeping me in shape for basketball every week. I like basketball a lot more than I did before I left on my mission. Elder Edward, my old companion, is in my ward so we play every week. He played in college and he plans to do that when he gets back.

Elder Hermansen is 21 and is pretty funny. He did want to be an animator but now he's thinking that he wants to go more into software and other computer things. We're getting along pretty well. I'm really grateful that I haven't had a companion yet that I really can't stand. That would make the work really hard. Two people came to church on Sunday and I think they liked it a lot. We had a good testimony meeting.

I hear the Gallagher's are moving to Utah? I would dismiss that as a rumor but it sounds more real than it ever has before! Well I know where I'll be for the next year and a half at least ha. It'll stink to not go home to my room but I'll get over it. There's a lot more to worry about. I am excited to see how everything turns out! Don't lose my stuff!

Well I'm sure I forgot to talk about something! Hopefully I'll remember and tell you next week. Oh! It was 97 degrees out the other day and it was really miserable. Biking in a white shirt and tie in that is and never will be fun. 



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