Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hello from Long Beach!

Hey Everyone,
This week has been really great! I thought of some more things I could use for Christmas! Maybe a little photo book of family pictures. That would be really nice!
So on Sunday those same two people came to church and they really liked it again! Sovandy is the Cambodian man who already knows a lot about everything and will probably get baptized after he gets home from his trip in Feb. And Tammy is getting baptized on the 16th!!! I'm so happy for her and she actually went with a family from the ward to the L.A temple to see the lights. Her daughter wants to go to church now too so we're excited to go and teach them together.
Right now I'm kind of sick but I went to the temple so that was nice. As time went on I started feeling better ha but now I don't feel that great. Just a cold so don't worry. I'm going to try and post pictures up of the temple for everyone. I bought a card reader!
So I can't think very straight so I don't remember much of this past week but I'm just really excited for my first baptism! Tammy is really nice and I know that this will bless her life forever.
It's really weird having such warm days in December! It makes it feel like I haven't been here long at all. It maybe feels like fall some days but other than that it is t-shirt weather. 
We got to meet with one of the brothers from the temple presidency and I'm pretty sure it was Matt Capone's mission president. President Larkin? That would be fun to ask the Capones. He was a pretty nice man.
Transfers are next week on Tuesday so there's a chance I'll be moving right before Christmas. That would stink but I'll be okay. I'll know next week when I email you.
I'm trying to think of one funny story for this week...
So Elder Jacobson and I were riding our bikes in the bike lane and this black guy was wearing a suit and standing on the side so we stopped next to his car and started talking to him. His shoes were more polished than anything I've ever seen. We asked him his name and he said Harvey. I remembered Elder Sudbury talking about a crazy church guy they found while I was in Compton one day and this was him. He was moving his hands all weird while he talked about our churches. I think Dad would really like him because he was probably the most animated person I've ever seen. He had like 20 Bibles in his car. Just one of many very interesting people we meet on the streets. 

Love you all! I have to get off soon! Sorry I didn't write more. Next week I'll be able to talk about the baptism and transfers. Have a great week!
 Elder Gallagher


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