Monday, January 13, 2014

Jan. 13th


This week we passed the teaching of Julie off to the sisters in the ward which was hard but it'll probably be better. She's single and will probably connect better with them. I'll still keep you updated with her though.

The Smiths were sick yesterday so they didn't make it to church. They are such a great family who I've grown to love very much. They were planning on being baptized this Sunday but we may move it back a week to be more ready. Joining the church is such a huge transition that is hard especially for sister Smith. They know it's true and the people here are a great support for them as they make the transition. Pretty much everything about joining the church is uncomfortable. But I know that it's worth it. My friend Danny Rasmussen has a website called It's pretty funny and good!

One thing I've seen so much of is people in terrible life situations. Many are a result of poor choices that build up over the years and there are also many that are just built in to life. I talked to a girl a few weeks ago that attributed all of the problems of her life to the built it struggles and we tried to help her see that really God gives a path so we're not just putting struggles into our own lives. How grateful I am for a path to walk that leads back to my God and my family.


Elder Gallagher

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