Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy late 4th of July!

My 4th was really great. I had dinner at the Gallops who are members of the Woodruff Ward. Hans from Blue Sky was there which was cool. I barely know him but I remember him. I was with an Elder who is from the Dominican Republic and he's super great. We were down on 5th and Cherry in Long Beach and there were a ton of people! We taught a girl named Carmen and as we asked her to pray a bunch of firecrackers went off and we all had to wait hah. It was pretty funny. It was really fun having so many people out. There are usually quite a few people but not really ever like a city until the 4th. We also taught two kids at the bus stop while they were waiting to go home. It was a good night! 

Happy Almost Birthday Eden! I can't believe she'll be 14! I also can't believe I'm 21! Time flies. I'm pretty glad the times I have to email are coming to an end because my motivation for this is declining haha. I am sad that I'll eventually have to leave this place. I love it here. I love the people I teach and talk to on the street. I love the missionaries here so much! They're good people and I've made a lot of friends here. 

Lately I have been reading in John in the New Testament and also Helaman in the Book of Mormon. I really like Helaman 13 and 14. The idea that God has done everything so we come back into His presence is very loving. We just need to decide what we're going to do, follow Him or not. I love John 3. Christ teaches the necessity of baptism and we learn that Christ came not to judge or condemn the world but that we might be saved.

Anyways... love you!

Elder Gallagher

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