hope everyone's week was great. We had to move apartments on Friday
just basically down the road so that took up a lot of my time. We moved
into a pretty nice apartment with a lot more room than our old one. It
is also right in the middle of little India so our neighboors are all Indian. I won't be living there anymore though because this was my last
week in Cerritos. I found out Friday morning that I am being transferred
to the Fountain Valley 1st ward and the HB singles ward. I've never
served down in Orange County so I'm pretty excited! I know my companion
too! His name is Elder George. He came out with Elder Komarek (who I
trained) and he was just here in my zone a month and a half ago. We get
along well and I'm really excited to work hard over there. I've also
never served in two wards or a singles ward so I'm excited. I move
tomorrow morning.
Some short quotes of what I liked from conference:
"Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith" - President Uchtdorf
"Our destiny is not determined by how many times we fall down but by how many times we get up" - President Uchtdorf
"Our destiny is not determined by how many times we fall down but by how many times we get up" - President Uchtdorf
"It is impossible to fail when we do our best and when we are on the Lords errand" - Elder Ballard
also really liked President Eyring's talk about the parable of the good
Samaritan. Being able to care for others and feel the love the God has
for others is really uplifting. It has made me a much happier person. http://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos/whosoever-will-lose-his-life-for-my-sake-shall-find-it?lang=eng As we lose our lives in the pursuit of helping others we also lose our problems and loneliness.
I will be living with a member which will be great! He used to be a mission president and I've only heard amazing things about them. His name is Brother Monson haha. Last night I went to the departing fireside for missionaries who are going home. They get up and talk about their experiences and there are also musical numbers. I got to see a few people I haven't seen for a long time! I saw William, the guy I baptized in Whittier, and he is doing fantastic. He looks so happy and is now a ward missionary. He said his mom is taking the lessons in Spanish. Sometimes I get discouraged and forget about the people I've touched and will never forget. It was a good reminder for me to work hard no matter what. The pictures are of me outside our apartment, Me and Gilbert Mendoza ( a member of the ward) and the Lakewood zone.
I will be living with a member which will be great! He used to be a mission president and I've only heard amazing things about them. His name is Brother Monson haha. Last night I went to the departing fireside for missionaries who are going home. They get up and talk about their experiences and there are also musical numbers. I got to see a few people I haven't seen for a long time! I saw William, the guy I baptized in Whittier, and he is doing fantastic. He looks so happy and is now a ward missionary. He said his mom is taking the lessons in Spanish. Sometimes I get discouraged and forget about the people I've touched and will never forget. It was a good reminder for me to work hard no matter what. The pictures are of me outside our apartment, Me and Gilbert Mendoza ( a member of the ward) and the Lakewood zone.
Hope you all have a great week! I love you!
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