Monday, September 16, 2013

I'm pretty bad at thinking of subject lines...

Hey everybody,
My week was really great! Each week we set goals for the things we want to do and how many people we want to teach or talk to and this week we achieved a lot of our goals. I don't think I've ever learned so much about setting goals in my life. I've always been really bad at thinking of what I want to do with my future but what I'm learning here is going to help me a lot. I'm learning how to improve day by day. This past week my personal goal was to not speak negatively about anyone. I don't have a big problem with that but I want to always think good things about the people around me. Actually figuring out how I can improve and then doing it is really empowering. It is a great feeling to achieve a goal.
On Wednesday I got to drive down to Huntington Beach with some Elders in my zone who were getting a car from some other missionaries down there. I got to see the beach and I can't wait to come back here and swim! Sadly I didn't bring my camera so you'll just have to look up pictures of Huntington beach.
On Friday and Saturday I went on "exchanges" with a new missionary name Elder Brooks. Exchanges in where you switch companions for 24hrs to learn from a different person. He is only here in this mission until he gets his visa then he's headed to Vanuatu which is near the Solomon islands. He's going to live on tiny islands for two years with people who don't really wear any clothes and who stopped eating people in the 80's. I think his mission will be a tad different than mine hah. I had a good time with him and I'm glad I could get to know him a little bit before he heads there.
I forget when President Tew was talking about maturity but I think what he said was really interesting and true. I don't see him that often so it must have been a few weeks ago. As a baby all we care about is ourselves. We only think about when we're going to be fed and who's going to do what for us. But over time we grow up and start having to help other people. Watching siblings, doing chores. Then a person has baby and gives everything instead of takes. Maturity is based on how much we care about others and not ourselves. President Tew calls it being others' oriented. As we become more like Christ, who is completely selfless, we mature into who God wants us to be. It is not human logic to think that the less we think about ourselves the happier we will be but I know it's true. I've never been happier and I'm still probably thinking too much about myself.
I really like these videos. They are straight out of the scriptures which is why I think they are so good. And a plug for Noah...I think Jesus looks a little like Batman. Hopefully lightning doesnt strike me ha.:
I'll attach some pictures this week! Elder Welch and I went to Jamba Juice and they gave us free shirts so that's why we match haha. These are random pictures we took at night instead of write in our journals...
Love and miss you

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